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APES Shelter and Rescue
APES Shelter and Rescue
A place for exotic homeless, abandoned and shelter pets.

Shelter Service

Our shelter service is for pet owners needing to rehome their pet. Maybe you have lost your home or your job an unable to provide for them. No matter the reason we are here to help.

About Shelter Service

Due to the costs that come with running the rescue like heating costs, medical costs and feeding costs our shelter service is not free. On the right you can see our shelter service steps.

Due to the high number of requests we can not always take an animal in immediately, this is why we use a waiting list system. The waiting list has a number of factors to make sure we each individual case is assessed and given the correct level of priority. We assess the following with every case.

  • Personal Circumstances
  • The Animals Welfare

We also take in from closures of pet shops or other rescues or shelters.

Animals We Currently Accept

Other Species

We accept the following inverts

All types of inverts.


We accept the following snakes

  • King Snakes
  • Corn Snakes
  • Garter Snakes
  • Milk Snakes
  • Beauty Snakes
  • Royal Pythons
  • Hognose
  • Baby/Juvie Boa
  • Baby/Juvie Pythons

We do not have the facility for fully grown boa, or Burmese Python.


We accept the following tortoises

  • Hermans
  • Spur Thigh
  • Horse Field
  • Chinese Star
  • and many others.

We accept the following lizards

  • Bearded Dragons
  • Geckos
  • Plated Lizards
Other Species

We accept the following

  • Rabbits
  • Hamsters
  • Rats
  • Chinchillas

How to use our Shelter Service

Find out everything you need to know about using our rescue services.

Step 1 - Contact Us

Contact us via social networks, live chat, tickets and more. Contact us via our multiple lines of communication.

Best form of communication is our form. Please click on the "Shelter Request" buttons below.

You can also open a live chat to us and someone will pick up on it, if no one is available someone will pick up when they get back online.

Step 2 - We will Contact You

Once we have received your request we will put you on our waiting list, with the details you provided in your application.

A member of our animal control team will assess your priority for the service.

Waits can be from a few hours to a few days at present.

Step 3 - Collection

Once everything is confirmed and a space at our facilities becomes available we will contact you to arrange to collection or drop-off.

Service Fees

Surrender Fee

To help cover some of the cost of intaking of a pet we have a minimum £10 donation fee for every pet surrendered.

On Benefits?

Not to worry we provide our shelter service free for people on benefits. For more information, please click the Shelter Request (On Benefits) button above.

Please note we require evidence of your benefit entitlement.